

brandon williamscraig  


A "Good" Marriage is and isn't created.

The Art of Marriage is touching both the little and big things with irrevocable tenderness.

It is getting too old but still holding hands or standing face to face at whatever distance.

It is remembering to find, “I love you”, at least once each day.

It is forgiving the times you go to sleep angry.

It is having a mutual sense of value differences and still working toward common objectives.

It is opening the circle of love that includes the whole family.

It is speaking thoroughly of both agony and appreciation, and demonstrating graciousness even in heated conflict.

It is having the capacity to forgive despite the unlikely event of forgetting.

It is giving each other a handful of earth and the specific nourishment of dreams in which different identities can grow.

It is finding room for the things of the soul so there can be such a thing as spirit.

It is a common sense of searching for the good and the beautiful.

It is not only marrying your fantasy of The Right Partner, it is celebrating the agony of that expectation with humor.
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/17/2004 05:19:00 PM



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