

brandon williamscraig  

Something about which I'm thinking:

"On earth, as it is in heaven": that is the theme. Man is returned to the innocence of the sun and stars, and of the animal world, which is rooted in nature, by an equation of himself with the sun, the great lion of the heavens, and of his victims with the herds of the night sky. And by concentrating on these, he is able to erase from consciousness the actual threat of the night of annihilation. The reality of nature and himself as nature has been countered by a myth of personal immortality."

Joseph Campbell, 1959 Eranos Lecture "Renewal Myths and Rites of the Primitive Hunters and Planters" p.17

Thoughtful comments welcome.
   | posted by Unknown @ 4/29/2004 05:24:00 PM



Just obeying an inner direction to post this.
HIGHLY recommend the recording I Was Born in Love with You: Jessye Norman Sings Michel Legrand.

"Between yesterday and tomorrow, there is more, there is more than a day. Between day and night, between black and white, there is more, there is more than grey. Between the question and the answer there is the silence of the sea, between the cradle and the grave there is a someone that is me. Between yesterday and tomorrow, there is more, there is more than a day." (Legrand)

   | posted by Unknown @ 4/27/2004 03:09:00 PM



The perfect house to be a home, who can find it?
$100,000/bedroom max.
Generous front porch, suggesting roundness and invitation.
Good, spacious kitchen separated from other rooms by walls. Sizable counters and gas stove/range. Adequate wiring.
Trees, at least nearby, and at least one which is at least approaching 30 feet and has Presence.
Two floors would be nice unless the house is on a hill and then not strictly required.
Yard with room for dog, garden, places to hide. Tree?
Minimum 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Three and two preferable. Mother-in-law? Converted basement?
Possible to catch public transport nearby.
Near...see "perfect hometown"
Garage not prominent, maybe not even visible, 2 car prefered (1 car and space for storage/shop/freezer)
   | posted by Unknown @ 4/20/2004 10:36:00 PM



What would be the perfect home town?
This may change to reflect an ongoing conversation between various members of my family and friends.

No less than 50,000 and no more than 200,000 people
Very near public, preserved nature in abundance
Water body that is clean enough for swimming
Alternative community - several prominent ethnicities
University town
Cafe(s), used bookstore(s), theater, music scene of some kind
Full seasons: snow every year and a length of swimming weather
Public transportation

Under consideration:
Ashland, OR
Salem, OR
   | posted by Unknown @ 4/20/2004 05:01:00 PM



Simple, no frills, white van. Larger than minivan a must.

Want one.

Known for good mileage, no unusual maintenance, 30-50k.
Manual good, automatic Ok.
2 usual front chairs and one bench seat w/ belts. Empty rear.

Will install: light fold down desk/work table, hooks for hammock, closable low relief shelving, security system, midrange stereo, travel power (solar?),
   | posted by Unknown @ 4/18/2004 10:00:00 PM



“What do you think it is?” I asked. “Uh,” quoth he, “a carved piece of wood that kind of reminds me of Easter Island, or maybe a face, or a person. It’s probably something with all kinds of meanings but I don’t know what.” “Precisely”, I responded, “god.” Lisa hates it that I carry god in my pocket. It causes all kinds of trouble.
   | posted by Unknown @ 4/15/2004 10:00:00 PM



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