

brandon williamscraig  

A bit of Aidan audio.
I was trying to catch, and did just a bit, his new flubbing his lips like a mouth harp kind of noise. I'll try again later.

this is an audio post - click to play

A few more firsts today. He got under his Peg Perego high chair and directed it around the kitchen floor.

There was another I'll remember later and put here.
   | posted by Unknown @ 7/31/2006 07:50:00 PM



Live in fear. I'm posting from new Blackberry pda/phone. Even better I scored a complete escape from the most horrible Cingular spending less than was budgeted by Council. He he!!
   | posted by Unknown @ 7/30/2006 05:41:00 PM



I peek over his shorts
(which I hold in my hands, having changed his diaper).
I wiggle my eyebrows.
He squeals and reaches to grab them away, so I pull back and unveil my lower face.
More squealing.

Until he successfully grabbed them away today and held them over HIS lower face.
So I, naturally stuck them on his head.
Perfectly timed, Mama walks through the door.

What a lovely life.

Until it becomes time for opera, of course. Then all bets are off.

   | posted by Unknown @ 7/28/2006 05:59:00 PM



Phasing out babyfood jars and the like, Lisa gave Aidan some apricots and cheese last night and I went a bit too far today in the same direction.

Humus, curried potatoes, peas, and a frozen bagel with which to dip and on which to chew.

The cleanup included the cutting board (plate), the tray, the chair, the bib, the shirt, the shorts, the floor, myself, Leon, the Russian Premier, ok he didn't show, but the cleanup was considerable.
   | posted by Unknown @ 7/26/2006 07:05:00 PM



July is almost over. OK. Doing my best to continue the posts.

Yesterday after church we went to visit Nicole at her place. There we worked diligently with hats and mirrors, striving for the perfect photo op.

Aidan capped the day, so to speak, by plunging head first from Lisa's lap onto my neoprene water bottle and split his lower lip and his upper gum. Blood everywhere for about 3 seconds (I kid you not) until he coagulated and had little more to say about the matter.

Today Aidan's first upper teeth poked through next to the cut on the offended gum.

Lisa, Nicole, Aidan and I went to the SF Zoo for his first time last week. He loves to spend time with his Aunt Nicole.

Four diabetics who came too close to our investigative team were sent into shock by simple proximity to the consumption induced cotton candy coma of members of our party who will remain nameless to protect the insulint.
   | posted by Unknown @ 7/24/2006 11:18:00 PM



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