

brandon williamscraig  

I would love to be in the habit of just writing here, but I (like Lisa) often wait until I have actually interesting (at least to me) material stored up to report. This reflects my ongoing (read lifelong) dilemma dealing with journals and similar everyday writing disciplines.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/25/2006 04:48:00 PM



The first birthday was basically like a stater's gun at a developmental race.

Since then he is walking, with fewer and fewer falls literally every day , going up and down the front stairs by himself, upright, with only the banister to help.

His phrases sound more like actual words all the time, from what will probably be "light" to "what's that?"

After Lisa and I performed a bit of cabaret at the Epworth UMC not-so-silent auction, we remained to hear the great jazz band. Aidan was bored and cruising all around the room until then, whereon his attention was rivetted on the band, he began to bob (dance), and didn't want to be redirected when he decided it was time to join the guys on the bandstand.
That's my boy.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/17/2006 12:32:00 AM



Simply one of the best photos of a person ever created

Tell me again why my sister, Meghan, isn't highly paid for this?
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/17/2006 12:15:00 AM



The What's Going On Song
this is an audio post - click to play a bdwc original
Also entirely serviceable with guitar, harmonica, and penny whistle.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/11/2006 09:11:00 AM



Nexus For Change

To see my contribution to the Opening Invocation Samoan Circle / Fishbowl at Nexus for Change 2007 in Bowling Green OH please go here and click on Invocation Video" or copy and paste this link into your browser


I had been asked to occupy the Activist chair for the invocation.

The circle continued for quite some time after the long intro.


   | posted by Unknown @ 10/03/2006 10:57:00 AM



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