

brandon williamscraig  

Election Year Dilemmas 20040122

I'm struggling with Dean, Edwards, and Kerry because I'll vote for almost anybody who can beat the American Empire agenda currently known by the shorthand "Bush". That is my unfortunate primary criteria. Kerry may be my choice because, though Dean's anti Iraqi War stance fits what I believe to be closest to the truth, I believe the country will not elect a candidate that accurately calls our complicity into question. In short, Dean may be right but Kerry (and maybe Edwards)seem electable, typically unencumbered by the ubiquitous questions about hypocrisy there. Still, Iowa is not Delphi and more will become clear shortly. This election year is chess rather than a chance to cling to a fantasy that voting my principles will matter. Hopefully the Supreme Court will be at lunch when it comes time to appoint the President this go 'round.
   | posted by Unknown @ 1/22/2004 12:00:00 PM



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