

brandon williamscraig  

Process Culture v.20040118

The word Culture applies to individual groups, not simply to society as a whole. Every gathering of people instantly generates and begins to develop its own culture that impacts every aspect of collective life. In the endless movement toward more effective collaboration, areas of life often written off as out of control or off limits are accessible to a process directly engaging a group in terms of its culture. Not everyone is willing to do the hard work required discovering and co-creating truly satisfying work. The only requirement for beginning is the determination to try.

From the moment dialogue begins, unassuming facilitation and process-level modeling can develop awareness both of collaborative necessities and the potential for transition into a community of process artists, sharing responsibility for creation. Intention is the central necessity behind the specific development of group culture, followed closely by supporting behavior.

I hope bring to bear the areas in which I have been proficient longest – my strengths in martial discipline and group facilitation, professional collaborative decision making, inspirational teaching, even music and performance, to find the road your group can travel together toward mutual investment and shared leadership. The groups with whom I work form a core that stays together, produces the goals they set, and does so sustainably, with mind, body, and heart. Implementation of custom proposals and the ensuing process requires time and buy-in from existing leadership. The end result can be the most satisfying creative environment any group member has ever known. Imagine the effect on the world we pass to our children if every workplace could lay claim to that. It is likely you work every day with people who love where they are and what they do. That must be cultivated in order to spread, even to continue.

Several years ago I made a personal and professional transition. With the founding of Beamish I shifted from providing an easily recognizable image as either an artist or an administrator to a more accurate identity as a Process Artist and Cultural Architect. For years I had been paid to accept whatever job description was available and then expected to maintain whole system awareness, mediate conflicts, and facilitate everyone’s success. I love that work, have been building that skill set for most of my life, and must stand up for the value of devoting appropriate time and financial resources to a more thorough process.

Consequently I study and teach, create and administrate to that end – so that groups of people at whatever level of organization identify the associative process underneath everyday work, play and relationship as profoundly valuable and in need of both professional tending as well as more casual awareness.

I offer my services to groups of any kind to co-create a comprehensive process environment wherein everyone is heard and may expect to have their needs seriously taken into account. I aspire to be flexible – able to do any task necessary to help us thrive as a group, but my primary function is to pay attention to and ask questions about the way in which we are doing what we do. This requires time, focus, and the highest level of support.

Process Artistry involves the cultivation of flexibility to integrate needs as they are expressed and implied and speak directly to building a consensus through which the very real and specific people actually look forward to continuing in daily collaboration. That is the kind of environment in which I want to live and work.
   | posted by Unknown @ 1/18/2004 10:56:00 PM



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