

brandon williamscraig  


Christmas with my wovely life, sister and brother-in-law, and mom was wonderful. I'll edit this to say more about it later. For now, this is a list of the things that went awry, for humor value:

1. two mugs were KIA, one of which was precious
2. Isaiah sled directly into a pile of canine (hopefully) fecal matter
3. three glasses and one wedding wine glass were also lost to the fray
4. Saab story: one broken seatbelt which dissintegrated in my hand, and
5. a seriously overtaxed suspension
6. the basement of Clare's house flooded and we worked with shovels, etc.
7. the water heater failed in the flooding and had to receive resuscitation
8. the flashlight broke
9. a wonderful Christmas gift bracelet vaporized
10. my new boots disintegrated
11. the snowshoe kept falling from its nail on the wall and killed several people
12. the ears were burned off the donkey
13. by playing indoor baseball with a cork we blew a hole through a blind and detached the insulating plastic
14. getting high behind, the toilet seat cracked under one and pinched another quite convincingly
15. a migraine set in
16. the final topper was a next door neighbor suffering from debalconestration (like defenestration but using a balcony rather than a window). Meghan ran to the rescue and the cops moved in.

Did I mention it was a GREAT Christmas? Especially getting to be blocks away from Isaiah and Meghan for several days, due to Mikaela's generosity. More later...
   | posted by Unknown @ 1/01/2004 04:20:00 PM



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