

brandon williamscraig  

A check-in of sorts, I suppose...

Thinking about the term "quodlibet"
- "as you please", as in the JSBach family revels wherein eveybody contributed musically to family celebrations. Bach wrote several quodlibets.
- "any question whatever" from medieval scholarship. A scholar would sit (supported by two or three others who would frame/organize the process) for any two or three questions from students. Said thinker would then take the questions away for a week or two and then return to respond in the way he thought best.

Thankful for: a Mom who sends thoughtful (and WAY cool) anniversary gifts (a set of 6 metal, stemmed goblets with engraving) which undoubtedly have a story behind them. Cold beverages within invariably produce large irridecent beads of moisture, which have so different a character on metal from their appearance on glass.
Also for the wonderful response from folks offering to help with my research and dissertation. I'll put a link up when I have it better organized for introduction.
Also for having to choose between myriad wonderful options in so many cases, rather than the least among multiple evils.
Also for friends and dear ones who not only ask how things are but have the generosity to really hear a full response.

Struggling with: how to get things in functional proportion.

Back to the yoga of digesting and creating text.

   | posted by Unknown @ 6/14/2004 05:58:00 PM



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