

brandon williamscraig  

I find my previous habits repeated, in that I schedule two hours a day for writing and get one at most, and often none – swept away by the demands of other responsibilities. This will have to change somehow but I haven’t literal room for my own office/sacred space and lack financial leeway to work fewer hours. My mind turns again to ways to get the Healing Friction project (and thereby my dissertation) funded.
I feel excited to be begun officially, discouraged by the nominal gathering of my tech support team and encouraged by the enthusiastic approval of the Beamish Council, providing the non-profit space in which to work and raise funds. Any ideas?
I realize I have exhausted my own technical expertise and reserves of both money and time. This will require 1) a pairing down of objective, 2) a response from helpful others, 3) a working within bounds (finally) rather than endlessly trying to expand my reach, or some combination of all three.

More later. Huge thanks to folks reading this blog and commenting.
   | posted by Unknown @ 6/10/2004 03:15:00 PM



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