

brandon williamscraig  

Adding a line to our existing business cell plan
Ah, ATT finally answered (only 18 minutes on hold! rather than 20 last night). No. Wait. She's gone again to check on something. Do I mind her putting me on hold she asked? Heck no! I've declared a moratorium on whining after all. (10 more minutes).
I've now gone through the whole process of negotiation and purchase of the new phone and line (for only $10/mo - no extra minutes) before finding out that I only have a POBox for Iris and they won't ship there. I hang up with Sales to call Patricia, then Mugwort, then Lucy, then back to trying to get back to my guy. Gone for the day. Going back through the whole entrance process, hoping to pick up my "shopping cart" where we left off...
BUT NOOOOO, REEEEJECTED!!... He disappeared despite giving a direct call back with extension and shopping cart number - and after going through the whole entrance process again and another 30 minutes on and off hold the new service person tells me what he promised is impossible under any circumstances.
What a night.
That sound is not me whining. It's simply time to walk the dog.

Selection Two, my own service oriented response to a friend wanting two new songs on our BDay Bash play list:

We here at THE 80s BDAY BASH have forwarded your music request to the appropriate Customer Esophagus Representative. After we have 4,432,426 further requests for musical selections we will implement our program to respond to the need to create a response system to study the general lack of responsiveness in responsivity systems. After that time we may be able to respond to your request, should you continue to hold. Should you continue to hold at that time, policy dictates that we, then the Responsivity System Evaluation Committee, will forward the matter to the immediate attention of the first available Customer Esophagus Representative. Your time and patronizingage is valuable to us and wewillrespondintheorderyourrequestwasreceived. Shoot me?

   | posted by Unknown @ 8/24/2004 09:07:00 PM



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