

brandon williamscraig  

I struggle with "debates" in which abstract positions are endlessly put forward.

Case in point - exclusive gender groups. I went to an all male highschool. In some ways it was weird and inclined toward habits that perpetuate exclusivity in less than helpful ways (corporate glass ceiling, etc.). In other ways it was lovely and took pressure off, and allowed energy focus in a way that would have been different in the unrelenting presence of teenage girls.

Some All-Male spaces in my experience have been indispensable and perfectly situated, developmentally speaking. Others have been on the list of Top Ten Things Which Should Have Been Prevented At All Costs. Most are mixed.

This feels like most conversations about absolutes of any kind, from political systems to In/Out groups. The story of the actual experience always seems more useful and revealing than the inevitable generalizations about the categorizations. Gender grouping, two party electoral system, Socialism/Capitalism BAD? GOOD? Both - resulting in pretty predictable consequences which can be ammeliorated or exacerbated depending on the consciousness, good will, and exploitation in the process. In other words... it will be potentially difficult and helpful based on how much responsibility participants take for collaboratively shaping how everything unfolds.

I value reading about specific, personal experience. Stories. In context. I should probably write more myself along those lines.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/15/2004 01:07:00 PM



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