

brandon williamscraig  

Responded to Lisa’s Blog today from Wednesday, October 13, 2004

And remember, this is for posterity, so, be honest...
A few questions to ponder...
1) You've just made the archaeological discovery of the century. What is it?
2) If you could create a holodeck program of one memory from your childhood (let's say ages 1-10) what would it be?
3) If there was one item of clothing or personal accessory from any period in history, any culture, that you wish were socially acceptable for daily wear, what would it be?
4) What is the most outlandish lie you have ever told?
5) The first time you ever fell head-over-heels in love, it was with...
[person, place or thing; if living, please include species]

My responses:

1) extra-biblical evidence that Jesus didn't favor the ideas attributed to him later by the writers of the Gospels on which are based the foundations of Empires (Constantine's, then the Holy Roman, and now the Holy American, among others).

2) Piloting my Grandfather Craig's Boston Whaler for the first time, at high speed across Lake Texoma, while he sat beside and invited me to reach ahead with my imagination and become sensitive to nuance so the ride would be a smooth as possible.

3) Hooded cloaks of all types and voluminous lower garments for men (kilts, hakama, and the like)

4) Outlandish? Hmmm. Following Lisa's theme of torture (see entry title):

At my most frustrated and angry I have been known to pull out the central support of someone else's inflexible position with invented evidence (to see if they had done any homework or actual thinking) and then convince them we have already talked about the disputed area along these lines at least once before. The whole tactic brings out the absurdly foolish and ridiculous, block-headed nature of inflexible oppositions, in what appears to be a conspicuously unconventional, bizarre way that may be far from (or distressing near to) what is civilized. While technically "outlandish" that kind of tit-for-tat exponentially multiplies feelings of estrangement and I feel worse for it in the end. I have foresworn the practice in what passes for my adulthood, also because it tends to make people want to graduate from doing me intangible violence to more physical harm.

5) Version 1: Sara Waak, because she was the first amazing and beautiful woman to actually love me too.

Version 2: Colleen Ward because she was the first crush not to recoil and attempt retributive strikes.

Version 3: Well, I was wandering in the wilderness one day and came on this reflective pool. Several days later I think I was almost disturbed by some shrill person repeating some obsessive mantra, though I'm not sure. I died shortly thereafter.

   | posted by Unknown @ 10/18/2004 03:47:00 PM



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