

brandon williamscraig  

I'm in Mellelo Coffee Roasters in downtown Medford, connected to their Rio Hot Spot (free Wi-fi). I'm not sure how often I'll be able to connect to the internet, and there are no affordable telephone connections easily available at my Mother-in-law's house, so I'm not sure how communicative I'll be able to be until next week.

In the meantime please call (866) 236-0346 [the Association Building Community Toll Free number] to leave messages for me that I can retrieve by phone or over the internet. If you would like to get a message to me pronto please go to the ATT messaging center and send me a blissfully free text message (only requirement is knowledge of my mobile number). I'll get it right away.

   | posted by Unknown @ 11/22/2004 10:41:00 AM



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