

brandon williamscraig  

Reproduced in part from Aikido Journal for your consideration

Psycho-Chemical Stress Conditioning in Budo - Part 1

Posted by Toby Threadgill on February 27th, 2005

...The chances of successfully navigating the adverse effects of PCS are compromised significantly if one is involved in a form of budo predominantly driven by a teaching model based on cooperative partner interaction. No dojo or seminar training environment can replicate an actual violent confrontation. However, the model of cooperative partner training common in most schools of aikido and some classical styles of budo is among the least likely to provide actual confrontation with the effects of PCS. How can one be expected to realistically confront violence if the dojo environment is always harmonious? It’s all fine and dandy to wax philosophically about harmonizing peacefully with an attacker and reaching a higher plane of spiritual existence through the study of budo, but I must point out that such ideals are of little value to a budo student violently attacked in a parking garage. Claiming that the aikido most commonly available in dojos today is effective self-defense in such a situation or, for that matter, a genuine reflection of strict martial study is propagation of a highly irresponsible myth. When I hear such naiveté provided as fact I am reminded of the harsh wisdom of sensei Yuiyoshi Takamura when he said:

"Remember that most people who call themselves martial artists are nothing of the sort. Most dojos are not martial arts dojos either. They are glorified social clubs thriving in an environment of emotional stimulation which is heightened by a false or extremely limited perception of danger. When real danger shows itself in such a dojo, the participants run for cover. In a real dojo the participants run towards the conflict."

   | posted by Unknown @ 2/28/2005 05:05:00 PM



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