

brandon williamscraig  

I was walking Francisco around 11:15 Saturday evening when an older truck being driven by a drunk guy smacked a Cadillac SUV, driven by a 50 yr old woman of color on her way home from work, out of the intersection and into the yard on the north-west corner of Bancroft and Sybil. I gave everybody my mobile number, including the police, and filled out a written report at the scene. A neighbor informs me the cops knocked on my door yesterday. I wonder why they didn't call to be sure I was here before knocking and then didn't leave a note to let know how to get in touch with them. Hmmm...

Oh, well. I hardly imagine they need much more input to deliver some serious consequences to the guy who was driving the truck. He was as polite as possible and knew he might be headed for jail. It was pretty pathetic. I hope he learns some useful life-lesson thoroughly and escapes the system (never to repeat his life threatening behavior) before being ground into a shadow of his former self by the automatic mechanisms of retribution. Institutionalized revenge is too easy and forgiveness REALLY hard when it has not been formally enshrined in law as well.

   | posted by Unknown @ 6/06/2005 10:04:00 AM



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