

brandon williamscraig  

1119pdt Nobody yet. Today we'll go to the lake for a walk and picnic. Our mobile communications may not funtion there. Please don't leave messages letting us know we are inaccessible, and please don't call the house to confirm that we are still waiting.

Regarding my usual daily activities, if I have an appointment to meet you, or teach a class, or anything at all, please do not assume because you can't get me on the phone immediately that anything has changed or is cancelled. I'm in line for everything as usual unless I call you to let you know I can't come. More later on cool things happening today. Had a pretty cool dream to start things off. I might say more about that later.

Had a bit of excitement during our afternoon walk, but all subsisted.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/19/2005 11:19:00 AM



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