

brandon williamscraig  

1917 pdt

Clare Doyle (my sister's Mother-in-law) suggests that she walked to bring on labor, stepping up and down off and on the curb. Today we've done that once and are about to head out again (so to speak) as I type. She also is alleged to have said that she knew birth was imminent every time because the baby quit moving completely immediately before the blessed event. We are paying attention, as always, but he hasn't moved much anyway in the last couple of weeks. Just enough to keep his Mom from worrying.

2125 pdt

Today was a nap day and a bit of alright. Tomorrow will feature my birthday wish of a walk and picnic near our lake (resevoir) and nature area. I'm looking forward to Lisa's BBQ chicken and german potato salad, as well as Meghan's greek salad, and Paula's carob brownies. That is unless the small one has other plans. That would be my primary birthday wish. He may continue trying to wait for his grandfather's birthday on the 23rd.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/18/2005 07:15:00 PM



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