

brandon williamscraig  

2056pdt Aidan Paul joined us after considerable deliberation!
He is an amazingly beautiful little boy, 8lbs 6oz 21 inches, with a beautifully full head of brown hair.

I can't sufficiently express how grateful I feel for him and for Lisa, for my sister and our midwives, for the family who came here in support, and for you who are reading this and have been thinking of and helping us.

Everybody is healthy, we won't receive guests until family arrives tomorrow morning around 10, and now for some food and (finally) to bed.

More Later.


Brandon, Lisa, and AIDAN!!

P.S. I won't be anywhere but here until Monday (at the earliest). See you next week.
I'll post photos and continue reporting on his progress here, on the email list, and website.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/23/2005 09:53:00 PM



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