

brandon williamscraig  

From our family trip yesterday to the Palace of the Legion of Honor to see their wearable art exhibit. The excursion took a lot of Lisa's energy so she is resting.

Went to train today with Hal Lehrman Sensei (at Aikido of Berkeley for the first time September 16, 17, 18) who is the longest term student of Yamada Sensei and who has been training for over forty years. He combines Zen with Aikido (we sat after class and it was lovely, though his intro to mediatation talk was too long and unnecessary IMHO even if one had never sat before). The Aikido part was Vunderbar and opened new doors to directions I need work on for Yondan. Feeling grateful. There is one more day tomorrow. I HIGHLY recommed going, if possible.

After training I got taken to sushi (particularly yummy sashimi) in Piedmont by my Sis (Meghan) and enjoyed the good company of Mom (Paula) and Sister-in-law (Naomi Keepin). Got $35 parking ticket 2 minutes post expiration, after faithfully putting money in meter twice. AAARRRGGGGHHHHH. I hate collection scams based on arbitrary systems.

Baby due today.
Baby not arriving today (so far). So much for him being born on the Feast of Mithra (Zoroastrian recognition of the angel of light, kind of, there is a bit of disagreement). Actually, I'd rather he not identify too strongly with Mr. All Good God vs. All Bad Evil Anti-god.
Rather another option?
19 Tuesday Lailat al Bara'ah - Islamic night of forgiveness.
22 Thursday Mabon * - Wicca/Neo Pagan celebration of the Fall Equinox.
Oh, well. The baby kicks the All Systems Go labor hormone into gear. I guess he's calling the proverbial shots. Lisa not happy camper. Done. Wanting baby out and moving on to the snugglin' and lovin' part. READY.

Got a Birthday card (I turn 36 the day after tomorrow - Monday 19th) from Eric Zuckerman and Beth Zuckerwoman. It is so lovely to be remembered I have vowed to pay much more careful attention to other peoples significant dates. Thanks Eric and Beth.

Hoping Nick Walker is better today. I think I'll call him. Maybe you should too. But that way he'll get no sleep. Hmm. Dilemma. I put a link to his blog here. Maybe he'll include me in his conspiracy of mutual promotion.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/17/2005 05:24:00 PM



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