

brandon williamscraig  


First Halloween went rather well until somebody got so fussy we had to abandon an evening walk in costume to visit neighbors. But after they sent me home, Aidan and Lisa had a lovely walk. Just kidding. Lisa took Aidan back home and Francisco and I explored the steadily-declining-into -gangs-of-teenagers nightscape. After the little kids have had their time for candy collection ("We were almost ready for dinner but lacked one child, I'm so glad you dropped by") the Halloween energy tends to get a bit weird. I was glad to get home, even if the earlier wonderful feeling buzz was a bit warped by then.
The earlier trip to Mercy for their Halloween party was quite something. Steve was dressed as the Wicked Witch of the East, Sr. Patty wore a quite fetching spider hat, and fun was had by all. We just missed the costume parade but ended up creating one of our own as everyone filed past to say hello and greet the new changeling Goblin Prince.

Lisa made Aidan's costume entirely (with the help of her Mom's horns ala the U.S. Post) leaving only the need to don our goblin bonnets, a birthday gift from Heidi and Nicole last year, and clothing sufficiently suggestive of the land of enchantment. Lisa's words for it were "Eurotrash Faerie."

I am very blessed indeed. The next couple of decades are going to pass too quickly for my taste.

On a slightly different note, I now have the excellent fortune of being guided by a wonderful Dissertation Coordinator and Advisor team: respectively Debra Knowles and Dennis Slattery. They have both agreed to be on my committee and we have actually exchanged emails with a less than 2 month turn-around. Days! Hours in some cases! I couldn't be more pleased. Even if my two year clock hadn't started in January, I'd be thrilled at this pairing. more later, of course...
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/31/2005 11:36:00 PM



Terms of endearment and nicknames Aidan gets called:

Peanut (as in "yur dangrsly cute, Peanut"), Munchkin, Sir Baby Belch, Little Prince, Monkeyshine, Wiggleworm, Baby Tauntaun, Auntie's Rockstar, bebop, Fearghus, little goblin (of the Flarg),
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/29/2005 04:31:00 PM



Aidan is discovering I am the ravenous bellyblatter beast of Traal. He's already reliably a ravenous beast (chip off the ol' block) and soon he will be known as the Bugblatter Beast of Crawl! He is working on his belly and back arch, pushing a bit with his arms, and (most important) lifting his head all on his own and pushing like crazy with his legs. Proud is the word.

More on Aidan's name here and here.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/28/2005 12:48:00 PM



Significant head control achieved and documented.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/25/2005 09:02:00 PM



OK!!! I'm slackin' already! I'll get more Aidan photos and stories up pronto.
In the meantime my sister, Meghan, has suggested a new non-profit for persons in my field.

Culturally Appropriate Cultural Appropriation

C.A.C.A. !

Join the Movement!
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/21/2005 07:44:00 PM



After feeding Lisa a breakfast (and later dinner) involving hand imported, artisinal, Vermont white cheddar (thanks to Meghan's hand) Lisa and I took Aidan for his first church outing.
It just so happens that today was the blessing of the animals, directly following the Feast Day of St. Francis as it did, so Francisco also had his first Epworth experience. He came to us originally on this feast day in 2000, after being hit by a bus and discovered by Lisa while at work - dying at the foot of the statue of the BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary) in front of Mercy Retirement and Care. Needless to say both his name and salvation were in the bag, so to speak.

And now... more gratiuitious images of Aidan.

   | posted by Unknown @ 10/09/2005 10:12:00 PM



The perfect cuppa ala B:
12 oz very boiling water in favorite big mug (from favorite local tea house) over one decaf Earl Grey bag - allow three quaters of an inch from the top. Steep no less than 7 and no more than 10 minutes (depending on emotional climate of day). Add 1.5 tbsp local honey 2-3 min before bag removal and lightly stir. Upon removing bag add goat milk (fresh if possible) to within whispering of the top. Stir lightly and sip to make mug portable. Carry outside to table in grove (if available) with good book. Wear baby.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/07/2005 04:32:00 PM



Lisa photo shoot day. Just for the record, the quote "No More Paparazzi!" should read "Mamarazzi." I was nowhere near at the moment. The beefcake rug and Auntie outfits are WAY cute and require further pictures. We haven't got around to that until today mostly because Lisa is still largely recovering and I'm doing the chores we shared before September. The photo below is from an earlier shoot and the hat is from Iris. But of course.
Come to think of it: I've been told babies go through personality changes, but if Aidan keeps on his current temperment path he'll be one mellow dude. He may get in some "Holy Terror" time. Most bodhisattvas do (see hat), I'm told. Is it possible hyperactivity (or whatever They are calling it these days) can skip a generation? Man whould THAT be cool. My Mom had to tie me to my chair (*WARNING - not a metaphor*) just to get me to sit through dinner.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/06/2005 11:40:00 PM



Especially for geeks, please see...

"Diapering and System Administration

At first glance, you wouldn't think that these pursuits had much in common. However, after doing both, I can say that I've found quite a few similarities"

and then go on to see friends Spider and Eli's daughter Kayla's site. It is lovely. Obsessive (he said, posting to his blog at almost midnight) but lovely. So are they, by the way. See photo at right.

Disclaimer: this little girl is not Aidan.
Whew. That was close.

   | posted by Unknown @ 10/06/2005 11:23:00 PM



I've just finished updating (for now) Aidan's part of the Williamscraig website. Please, by all means, have a look and offer comments here.
I'm wearing my ReceivingComments Tea Hat now, so this is the time.
Today Aikido of Berkeley offered a demo and mini-class at the Health Fair at Chiron Corporation in Emeryville. Pounding was had by all and we showed lots of wonderful stuff to folks. I can't wait to introduce Aidan to rolling around in white pajamas.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/03/2005 09:56:00 PM



Meg and Isaiah are getting on the plane as we speak. Meg cried. I cried. It was most undignified and satisfying. Damn. We must find some way to live closer to everyone on every coast simultaneously. Fie on they who claim teleportation is just around the corner, so to speak. I must say for all to hear that I am roundly blessed in the siblings and in-laws categories.

Salute, as well, to the Mom who came so far
to help so well despite such ambiguity.
Love you guys.

I'm also looking forward to visits from my dad and vunderstepmother in November.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/02/2005 10:04:00 PM



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