

brandon williamscraig  

Lisa photo shoot day. Just for the record, the quote "No More Paparazzi!" should read "Mamarazzi." I was nowhere near at the moment. The beefcake rug and Auntie outfits are WAY cute and require further pictures. We haven't got around to that until today mostly because Lisa is still largely recovering and I'm doing the chores we shared before September. The photo below is from an earlier shoot and the hat is from Iris. But of course.
Come to think of it: I've been told babies go through personality changes, but if Aidan keeps on his current temperment path he'll be one mellow dude. He may get in some "Holy Terror" time. Most bodhisattvas do (see hat), I'm told. Is it possible hyperactivity (or whatever They are calling it these days) can skip a generation? Man whould THAT be cool. My Mom had to tie me to my chair (*WARNING - not a metaphor*) just to get me to sit through dinner.
   | posted by Unknown @ 10/06/2005 11:40:00 PM



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