

brandon williamscraig  

Aidan's focus distance shifted very recently from "only things immediately in front of my nose" to include (and become much more interesting for the time being in) things about five feet away. We had several lovely and energetic interactions at that distance today which made the following observations possible.

He is (as of today) quite capable of rolling from his stomach to his back. Last night he almost managed it but not quite. Despite the new distance preference, faces in the mirror time in the bathroom was particularly connected and articulate. He had a lovely time lying on his back and waving his arms and legs about for quite some time, the second violins in the orchestra on the ceiling needing his intense attention.

His eyes are grey. Not blue, sometimes inclined to dark shadowing, as are mine. But definitely a rich, fascinating grey like a woven fabric of some kind. I'll work towards a good jpeg at some point.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/28/2005 02:23:00 PM



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