

brandon williamscraig  

Aidan's latest
He began:
Gripping a plastic ring with his thumb and first two fingers - and retained the grip while being carried or transferred - a bit over a week ago
Drooling like mad enough to wet his entire front - this past week
Reacting to toys in his vicinity - a few days ago
Sticking out is tongue often whenever he opens his mouth - one or two days ago

And me too..

As we speak I am finishing (I hope) editing my first production DVD. From MiniDV tape capture and learning the software to a first trial disk I spent around 30 hours working on it while in Oregon for Thanksgiving (and lost some serious sleep). I've missed my Mother-in-law's and Grandma-in-law's birthdays (for which the DVDs were intended) but will include bonuses given the extra time. The problem with DVDs and tech work in general is that the hours of work behind it disappear and, in the end, it looks like a cheap little plastic disk - which it is, of course. Not a very impressive gift unless the recipient has tried to make one while learning all the technology. Same thing goes (at some level) for desktop and network set-up and maintenance. Ah, well. It will be spiffy nonetheless.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/18/2005 05:15:00 PM



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