

brandon williamscraig  

Day ONE - Lisa is back at work for the first time since September, and The Boy and I are on our own. This morning, upon waking, the young master was doing cruches in bed, pulling his entire upper torso off the bed at the same time as his legs and then hanging out there. Abs of steel, that boy of mine. He slept another thirty minutes or so after Lisa went to work, and then lay awake looking around, doing crunches, and talking about the state of the world in general. My boon companion and I discussed Mama's absence at some length, at which point he allowed that he missed her mightily, but might be OK until she arrives home.

As I worked on the phone with Leon (in Berkeley) and Rosa (in New York), Aidan had a bit to say, required a diaper change, and wanted his bottle (thank you, Lisa!) but after the call, and after his various desires were satisfied, he spent time in his swing, watching me and making helpful suggestions.

Later he became fussy despite the clean diaper and with a remarkable disdain for milk, so... I pouched him. The sling Lisa made based on the Maya wrap pattern is my secret weapon. As long as he has no specific needs but is simply fussy, a serious pouching (rocked by my movement in a dark, warm environment near my midsection, complete with an autopaparestoring pacifier) is a sure bet for virtually instant, deep, and lasting naposity. I love this kid. That goes without saying, I suppose. But he is so amazingly agreeable most of the time, I wallow in appreciation for the blessing of him. And yes, I know that could change at any time and that he will go through phases. If another person tells me that the Child From Hell must be just around the corner, hard on the heels of hearing how agreeable he is, I may have to sigh at them. Again.
Now, Lisa is home an hour early, the boy is cuddled, tea has been brewed, and all is right with our world. This is not everyone's story, or even our story every day. But today I pour libations and raise my voice in praise.

And to top it off community friends, Betsy and Bob Norris, brought us dinner: an amazingly thick and tasty beef stew, and salad with avocado, and fresh bread, and two pumpkin crunch squares for desert. Yum beyond description, for which we are most grateful.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/05/2005 04:33:00 PM



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