

brandon williamscraig  

My day, in briefs. this is an audio post - click to play

Aidan developmental markers of late:
He has begun reaching for and grabbing things in which he is interested: Lisa's shirt, his pacifier ring (which he pulls out of his mouth and waves around by the ring).
Dec 1st he sucked his thumb for the first time. Before that he sucked on his whole fist.
Over the last several weeks we have noticed a growing tendency, when his face is neutral/interested, to smile in response to external interaction.
The second week of November was the first time he looked up and smiled when his name was called, while adults were in conversation about him, though his first smiles have been growing in frequency and accompanying monologue since around the 1st monthish.

What a lovely kid; a real pleasure.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/03/2005 08:41:00 PM



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