

brandon williamscraig  

Today, Aidan was playing with his Discovery Jiggle Giraffe Musical Mover (thanks, Grandma Heidi) with Iris and fascinated by its southernmost end and grabbing its audibly crinkly tail.

Not long thereafter he was eating lunch with Iris (while I got to work in the next room - thanks, Iris) and almost pulled the entire bowl of her grapes off the kitchen table.

His mother and I are both jealous of his Discovery Lullaby Light Show (again thanks, Grandma Heidi) and want our own adult version with Cthulhu, Jesus, and Dick Cheney glowingly cast onto our nighty walls.

Ahhh, lullaby light shows. I wish everyone were as loving and as child oriented as Aidan's grandparents.

This post is in no way meant to advocate the early childhood exposure of any person to Dick Cheney or members of the fanatically expedient Right.

Who Would Jesus Bomb, after all?

   | posted by Unknown @ 12/26/2005 05:35:00 PM



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