

brandon williamscraig  

Today Aidan looked down at the pacifier in my hand, picked it up with his right hand, and put it in his mouth. Hard to tell if he was pacified, as he did not appear disturbed before taking action.

I've been trying to encourage him to approach pacification from a more Roman standpoint, but the flaming balls of pitch and hordes of hired mercenaries stomping foreign foes seem to interest him only slightly. Instead he's decided to work for the State Department as Blackwater liason in New Orleans.

On January second he grabbed his mother's glasses from her face and consumed them utterly.
He has nothing more to learn from me. Snatch the specs from her nose, Grasshopper, and you may leave. Assuming you can crawl out of here after surviving the digestive process.
   | posted by Unknown @ 1/10/2006 06:48:00 PM



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