

brandon williamscraig  

A favorite photo of The Boy.
After recording the tribute to Marion Woodman, I sent Tuesday night through Sunday night (9am-9pm each day) in the last Advanced Training for Social Action Trainers before George Lakey retires. Fabulous group of participants. Wonderful training. I highly recommend any Training For Change event.

Away from home for too long, all things considered. Worried about how far behind I feel in the dissertation and about the pressure and stress in our lives (all three of us) on a daily basis. In this forum it is obviously impossible to go much deeper into the layers of feeling, distress, and hope. Quite a few people in our immediate world seem to be struggling with depression and other potentially overwhelming life-stuff at this time in the cycles of up and down. I don't feel stuck or depressed, just profoundly challenged and really appreciative of your reading this and any prayers/supportive thoughts headed in our direction. No recommendations or helpful interventions required, just solid accompanying energy whenever it is available.

Appreciating You,

   | posted by Unknown @ 3/02/2006 09:28:00 AM



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