

brandon williamscraig  

Last Saturday we had the pleasure of dining with Clare Doyle and Naomi and Mikaela Keepin (my brother-in-law, Isaiah's, mom and sisters) while Clare was here visiting. The food was vunderbar, the company was even better and all were had by fun.

We look forward to more time to spend with Aidan's East Coast Grandma and Aunts when we go to Vermont in June to meet Meghan and Isaiah's new addition (Go, Bo Wiggley!) . OK, they're not technically Grandma and Aunts but are no less wise and loving and fit generationally in those roles. English has no special terms for a sibling's spouse's family. French and Spanish do so much better with those specifics (like suegros for parents-in-law, and cuñados for siblings-in-law).

Also in the news, his Auntie Mame attended callback auditions for Marin Shakespeare today. We hope they will have the good sense and surpassing good taste to hire her promptly.
Go, Nicole (not pictured here this time)!
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/12/2006 12:36:00 AM



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