

brandon williamscraig  

First day in Ojai

The First Fools Gathering begins tomorrow.

Today I drove down through a beautiful land of rolling hills and verdant valleys. Amazing.
Of course, it began with a later start than I intended and the first sound I heard on starting my car and reversing out of my parking spot was an unexpectedly catlike mewling sound which only intensified when I applied the brakes. Going forward - no problem and no sound. Ditto for stopping - on a dime as usual. I argued with myself for quite a while before I stopped at a Big O Tire store of my close acquaintance and asked for a diagnostic. Turns out I need front brakes but can manage it when I return.

Back on the road there was traffic on 880 and 101 and I misestimated my travel time from the Bay to Ojai, but I arrived nonetheless, received a lovely welcome from Sanford and Christine Drucker, the latter of whom was a classmate at Pacifica and is also writing her dissertation. After stoneware roasted garlic chicken, chardonnay, asparagus, and raspberry sorbet we sat and discussed Jungian typology, the need for building community on a porpoise, the connection of the Process Arts with business, and all was well. I've dialed up and am very well taken care of as I write.

I miss my boy and my sweet one. They are headed north to Heidimom's for the weekend while I am here down south (or Low Cal as we like to call it). I am TRULY going to miss hanging with the lovely Heidi, the also lovely Greg (her man), hot tubbing and relaxing with them. I will enjoy our doing our academic thing but... ah, me. Alas. It is a sweet dilemma indeed to have such wonderful family.

   | posted by Unknown @ 4/20/2006 11:08:00 PM



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