

brandon williamscraig  

In the last two weeks Aidan began munching his own toes and pulling himself up to six inches across the carpet (almost exclusively arm strength with just a bit of ineffectual leg pumping). We have begun madly baby-proofing. Soon he will be competing in track-and-field.

This photo is of him catching a brief siesta (almost visible - the very cute outfit given him by his Great Grandpa Jim and Great Grandma Barb) before going to Erin (Stokes now Oliver) and Steve Oliver's wedding on Friday night. It was lovely. I recorded the ceremony from the vantage of his coat pocket (my device was there - I was in the back row) and will mail them a copy of thier vows and comments to each other as a wedding present. Wish I'd had the tech to do that at my wedding. Very sweet. Just like them. Lisa and I got to dance together for the first time in quite a while, and then Aidan and I danced for a long time with other folks. He was up for it as long as I could dish it out.

Our ABC Council meeting was fab today. We did some very important business (a proposal that I will outline here if it goes through) and then some deep personal work unlike anything we do with any regularity. Very happy to be with these people.

Tons of travel and work and diss writing in my very near future. Things will calm down a bit in June. As always the most recent public version of my schedule can be found at
Let me know your Yahoo ID if you want to have access.

In June we go to be with my sister and brother (OK, in-law) after their baby (see below) is born. CAN'T WAIT.

Aidan illustrating:
  • how many times the bat may whistle through the air before the dude at the plate retires, or
  • how many shoes he's already got in his mouth in order to polish off a whole two pair, or

  • the leader of the House's "admonishments" for ethics violations

  • (please use the comments feature to supply additional answers)...

The whole things is a wonder...
   | posted by Unknown @ 4/01/2006 10:37:00 PM



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