

brandon williamscraig  


While I'm on the road to the California Aikido Association Division One Gasshuku in San Diego, Aidan crawls for the first time. It is more of a low crawl than belly off the floor but truckin none the less.

He has been standing by pulling up for two weeks and now is able to crawl from the farthest point in the living room into the hallway.

Childproofing must now be completed with all possible dispatch.

This is probably the best Gasshuku ever. The energy feels great, intense traning is being had by all, and I'm getting my wish to take ukemi for several teachers. Next year I hope to double our (Aikido of Berkeley) attendance for my Yondan demonstration.

(Back row: Ben, Jason, Sierra, John; Front: Brandon, Kayla Sensei, Jeff)
   | posted by Unknown @ 5/26/2006 08:00:00 PM



The Boy is now officially:

Valliant William Robert Keepin
(Val for short)

Valliant from our great grandmother Rosalie Valliant Ash
William for our dad's last name and Isaiah's maternal Grandfather
Robert is Isaiah's middle name (5th in a row) and from a long way down his father's side (middle names following George) of the family back to Robert Peale from Ireland.

Congratulations, Nephew!

Please go to their blog at http://demae.blogspot.com/
   | posted by Unknown @ 5/15/2006 08:00:00 PM



A while back my sister, Meghan, made me a necklace of very cool metalic beads as a gift. When her water broke I put it on and left it on as I prayed for the best possible outcome, not removing it until late Sunday afternoon, when all seemed ceretainly well.

Mothers' Day this year is unforgettable.

At 8:57pm pdt last night I called Mikaela Keepin and got her sister, Naomi, who said they were headed to the hospital/birth center with their Mom, Clare. Dilation 5cm.

At 10:13pm pdt (1:13 edt) I called Naomi and got Mikaela, who said the progress had reached 7cm and everybody is fine. No matter what time it is they will call to say when the baby has just been born.

Too excited/concerned/supportive/etc. for words. Trying to sleep. Dog (Francis) peeing on the floor. First time in years.

At 2:42am pdt (5:42 edt) I'm an Uncle! Mikaela called at 3 to let me know and say she'd call again with more info but that everyone is so much better than OK. I then called Mom (Paula) and Dad (David) and left messages to call me.

Happy Mother's Day, Meghan! Congratulations, Isaiah!

8:44am pdt (11:44 edt) Called Mikaela as they were walking into Clare's house to try to get some sleep. There I heard of the 7 pound 12 ounce, 12 inch boy, generously endowed with hair.

11:45 pdt called Copley Hospital Birth Center (528 Washington Hwy, Morrisville, VT 05661) (802) 888-4231 where I spoke to Isaiah, heard more about the intensity and length of the difficult labor, the more than understandable need for recuperation, and the blonde boy's hair shot through with black framing Meghan's ears and Isaiah's nose. The phone reaches no further than two feet short of Meghan's bed, wherein she and the nameless boy (previously and concurrently known as Bo) rest, which is just as well, because if anyone has earned relief and rest of whatever length it is certainly her.

Loving and missing my Sister, Brother, and nephew. Can't wait to see them in June!

Any problems?

Semi-namelessness invites speculation!

Bartholomeu Oobleck Keepin-it-Williams?
Ezra Verizon Oliver Doyle Keepin-Williams-Keepin?
Neeka-tave Bob Killiams?
Smiley Seldon Weepin?
Chartreuse Winnarainbow Keepin Keepin?
Zanzibar Buck-buck McFate Kwillin?
Panda Monium Keeliams?
Damien de Sade Weeklin?

   | posted by Unknown @ 5/14/2006 03:15:00 AM



Meghan is in Labor!!

The water broke very impressively (all household towels used) last night and they are about to take a walk (1800 edt) under midwife's orders. If it doesn't progress significantly by tomorrow morning they'll go to the birth center anyway, which is one hour away from their apartmement in Burlington VT. All the boxes are packed, Isaiah finished addressing the last of the birth announcement cards this afternoon and (like father like son) the child is Prompt!

Gotta go hop in my transporter and beam myself to the East Coast now. Aaaarrrghhh.
Love my sister and brother. Love my nephew. Leaving now (in spirit).

Go Meg!!

(image above from
posted on Meg's recommendation)

   | posted by Unknown @ 5/12/2006 02:37:00 PM



The time is nearly upon us. I thought it was just a first experiment with separation anxiety and screaming any time he was put down - in order to exert some control over his environment. Turns out this last week has also marked the appearance of his first tooth! In the front and middle of Aidan's bottom jaw the bare finger can feel the bony ridges and swollen gums giving way to an edged tooth with pointy little sticking up bits.
In the picture above he is holding himself on two feet while standing in his play area. He does this for quite some time (the record is near five minuted) before dumping onto his behind or all the way onto his back on the padded floor.
That's my boy!
After all that a nap in the sun is occasionally required.

   | posted by Unknown @ 5/08/2006 01:18:00 AM



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