

brandon williamscraig  


While I'm on the road to the California Aikido Association Division One Gasshuku in San Diego, Aidan crawls for the first time. It is more of a low crawl than belly off the floor but truckin none the less.

He has been standing by pulling up for two weeks and now is able to crawl from the farthest point in the living room into the hallway.

Childproofing must now be completed with all possible dispatch.

This is probably the best Gasshuku ever. The energy feels great, intense traning is being had by all, and I'm getting my wish to take ukemi for several teachers. Next year I hope to double our (Aikido of Berkeley) attendance for my Yondan demonstration.

(Back row: Ben, Jason, Sierra, John; Front: Brandon, Kayla Sensei, Jeff)
   | posted by Unknown @ 5/26/2006 08:00:00 PM



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