

brandon williamscraig  

June had restful moments, honest (see photo documentation), and was crazy, deeply satisfying, flusterfrating, and made us appreciate our far flung family and eventual homecoming.

This is catch-up to try to document some of the changes and discoveries. Instead of making new entries dealing with June I'll add to this one.

On my way to San Diego on May 26th Aidan crawled for the first time in Lisa's office, trying to get to a binder clip on the floor. That's where I left off.

The big news is, of course, my most excellent nephew.

We found him holding forth valliantly (and what other way would he hold forth, you may well ask) and frequently on the virtues of having his needs satisfied slightly before he becomes aware of them. His birth was quite an experience for all concerned and all concerned are doing QUITE well, thank you very much. I'm feeling awfully proud and virtually busting (non-virtual busting can cause quite an unfortunate clean-up) with pride and lovin' feelings.

Just before heading East, on June 5th Aidan said "Mama" for the first time and continued to mamamamamama in various combinations and meaning various things (Lisa, food, comfort me, etc.) but mostly clearly indicating Lisa. On Church St. in Burlington VT he said it very clearly in an effort to get her attention.

First pulled himself to standing using surrounding people and furniture in Burlington.
Uplugged (two hands - very purposefully) the cable on the digital projector while we were watching Incredibles.

He also had pizza, french fries, and egg for the first time. We began adding foods to his diet bit by bit which did not come from organic baby food jars. Favorite foods include frozen bagles, fist sized crusts of bread, Tofutti Cuties, and Trader Joe's Os.

Digging his unbelievably sharp toes into whatever will work he has begun to climb, open cabinet doors, pull off everything within reach, and use the edge of coffee table height furniture to walk, taking series of steps until voluntarily sitting in order to crawl away at high speed.

This also means, of course, that he crashed into his first split chin around the same time his first two teeth came through together.
More soon.

Please feel free to visit my new development project at what I hope will be a widely inclusive and cocreated family website.
Click on Gallery and check out the place where the majority of family photos will be cached. They aren't yet, but I'm working on it.
   | posted by Unknown @ 6/30/2006 11:35:00 PM



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