

brandon williamscraig  

Some flashes of awareness are retrospective. Then again, maybe all flashes which are not precognition are retrospective.

Anyway, last night I realized
The Baby is now a Little Boy.

Lisa called me in to see him carefully place small plastic turtles in a metal pitcher and then take them out again. Practical Life has begun and the rest his his-story.

A couple of days ago Lisa and Aidan played together for the better part of an hour with the large ball she knitted him from the wool transported from beastie (sheep in this case) to our postbox (including natural dyeing) by Rufel Ramos. They rolled the ball back and forth as a game between two people (rather than the I-bounce-this-off-your-head-and-smile version of Intro to Ball Games) with little or no loss of attention.

Today he nearly went out for the pre-school Basketball Team with his big green bouncy ball.

This is a small child we are now discussing. Baby all gone.

Next, I suspect, will be the first steps taken without dropping to the floor (we are very near), and then words of one sort and another.

I began working with him this morning on taking a cup seriously (rather than simply trying for the flying milk trail distance record), and I intend to begin taking him to the potty when various excretions are at issue. Now is the time to really focus on sleeping all night - whatever that takes.

Proud and tired and surprised and whelmed and profoundly gruntled.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/04/2006 05:04:00 PM



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