

brandon williamscraig  

Woe is me. Today I joined the ranks of those with fillings. Having ignored my historically healthy teeth for some fifteen years, except, of course, for being very faithful about brushing my tooth, I went in for a dental exam last week. For several years around the time of my birth, Ronald D Wells, D.D.S. had a practice on Jefferson Street in Dallas then he followed his love of sailing to the West Coast in the late Seventies. He allowed I have good teeth but would require a deep (local anesthetic required) cleaning to keep my gums healthy hereafter, assuming my annual appearance for a cleaning. Today, however, on my second and final deep cleaning appointment he located a cavity which required filling and took care of it while he was in there. No more is my dental record spotless because my faithful brush (which should be used for only two months, by the way, before being replaced) cannot easily get past the part of another tooth that protrudes a bit to the side.

Hereafter I begin yearly cleaning appointments, regular flossing, and small circular (bristle tips stay put rather than traveling in large circular scrubbing movements) brushing with a much more recent teethbrush.

Probably more than you wanted to know about my mouth, but there you are.
   | posted by Unknown @ 1/31/2007 01:17:00 PM



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