

brandon williamscraig  

It's weird and fits to be in a room full of kith and kin who
  1. know who you are even though several have never met you
  2. know what's happened to your life
  3. won't mention it
  4. just try to take care of you and
  5. let you keep whatever proximity you seem to need
Into a mirror, "people are so strange", quoth he, reflecting.

Maybe it's a bit cheesy but I'm thinking of Lisa and being preached to by
Paul Simon
Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall Listen

Through the corridors of sleep
Past the shadows dark and deep
My mind dances and leaps in confusion.
I dont know what is real,
I cant touch what I feel
And I hide behind the shield of my illusion.

So Ill continue to continue to pretend
My life will never end,
And flowers never bend
With the rainfall.

The mirror on my wall
Casts an image dark and small
But I'm not sure at all its my reflection.
I am blinded by the light
Of God and truth and right
And I wander in the night without direction.

So I'll continue to continue to pretend
My life will never end,
And flowers never bend
With the rainfall.

It's no matter if youre born
To play the king or pawn
For the line is thinly drawn tween joy and sorrow,
So my fantasy
Becomes reality,
And I must be what I must be and face tomorrow.

So I'll continue to continue to pretend
My life will never end,
And flowers never bend
With the rainfall.
   | posted by Unknown @ 2/25/2007 08:14:00 PM



I am in Vermont visiting my sister, Meghan, brother-in-law, Isaiah, and nephew, Valliant. The deeper details are in the community circle of our Association Building Community member site. Please do sign in and participate/comment/whatever.

Finally got Meg to start blogging again.

"Won't it suck?" was the question.
You'll be with staying with family - the only place you are really welcome for miles around - in the presence of your nephew who will remind you of Aidan every minute you are awake, and quite probably as you sleep as well.

The Misunderstanding? That it might not suck under some circumstances sufficient to beg the question.

There was a little boy on the plane who was exactly his body type. Even though the hair was blond and the eyes were less bright and aware, when he looked right at me in passing with no pretense of anything but consuming curiosity I was defenseless. After, I almost bit the ridiculously chirpy flight attendant and spoke not once to my seatmate. How much more unlike me can that be? But what is Me anymore?

as always, More inside...
Also an original story of a sort.

I'm here to have a brief but sooner-than-May departure from the daily regularities that remain. Hard to really feel both alone and supported for the parts of this process which require that. I'm getting what I need here and am happy to have come, though I miss Lisa severely.

We went snowshoeing today around Rockpoint School and saw the most beautiful red-headded woodpecker hard at work on a tree. Also we noticed the slidy trail of the deadly, albino, snowgoing land eel. Valliant protected us by being unconscious in Isaiah's sling. it is well known that the deadly, albino, snowgoing land eel does not attack groups with sleeping members. The only known defense is sudden napping.

Thanks, Val.

The pictures of peckers behind the link above seem a bit round headed. Our friend looked more like this guy. Now just imagine deep snow and a beautiful ice ringed Great Lake.

   | posted by Unknown @ 2/24/2007 04:44:00 PM



Yesterday we spent the majority of our time among the Elk and Redwoods. I'll post photos later.

Even though Fern Canyon was closed Lady Bird Johnson Grove and Redwood Creek Trail were not. The sacred feel of the place, as fog and mist difused light and the trees dripped, felt right for part of our first excursion in Serenity.

Gabcast! Ab Guar #3

I'm sitting in Los Bagels in Arcata CA working on my laptop at the moment. We've just had an excellent bagel and tea breakfast, there is a beautiful mural outside the solarium in which we sit, and a day of adventures lies before us. Our budget is nil but our good feeling abounds and I feel happy to be breathing. The only thing lacking is to once again express gratitude for the facilitation and gift giving by folks at Nexus For Change conference. Iris and I will be representing ABC there (Ohio) in March and have been taken care of well with frequernt flier miles toward one of our tickets and help with registration fees. The Process Arts are alive and flourishing!

And lo, as I type these words, the sun breaks through what had been a foggy gloom. Good Morning!
   | posted by Unknown @ 2/16/2007 08:27:00 AM




I don't know why I don't spend all day in the shower, or with my eyes closed. I get an unbelievable flood of incredible ideas as soon as I am doing something that isn't doing something or verges on autonomic. Or maybe it's just that a pencil is nowhere nearby.

Oh, yeah, that's why I don't spend all day bathing or Sitting. Like staying awake too long into the night to hold off dreaming a bit longer, doing things stems the flood, brings down the volume of the Muses shouting in both ears. Then I only have to struggle with my 6x9mile Receive All Signals consciousness RamScoop in order to actually get something concrete completed.

The time since last night has been amazingly productive and a bit overwhelming.
   | posted by Unknown @ 2/08/2007 03:05:00 PM



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