

brandon williamscraig  


I don't know why I don't spend all day in the shower, or with my eyes closed. I get an unbelievable flood of incredible ideas as soon as I am doing something that isn't doing something or verges on autonomic. Or maybe it's just that a pencil is nowhere nearby.

Oh, yeah, that's why I don't spend all day bathing or Sitting. Like staying awake too long into the night to hold off dreaming a bit longer, doing things stems the flood, brings down the volume of the Muses shouting in both ears. Then I only have to struggle with my 6x9mile Receive All Signals consciousness RamScoop in order to actually get something concrete completed.

The time since last night has been amazingly productive and a bit overwhelming.
   | posted by Unknown @ 2/08/2007 03:05:00 PM



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