

brandon williamscraig  

I teach a Wed morning 7:30 class at Aikido of Berkeley. Most Tuesday nights I sleep in the dojo parking lot in our van, Serenity, since I teach and train in the two night classes that night and participate in the weekly community circle that follows.

The morning of Wednesday, February 28th, before flying to Vermont to spend a week with my brother-in-law, sister, and nephew, at 1:30 am I was awakened by someone trying to spring the lock on the side door. I swung my feet out of bed, took a breath and paused for a moment of thought. Slowly I edged next to the door and said, in a conversational tone, "this is about to suck for you". My friend without then took a turn pausing for a moment of thought and then, I suppose thinking he was hearing things, resumed his work on the door. Not wanting him to enter and find his options (violence or not) severely limited I decided to give him one more brief chance and struck the door as loudly as I could before emerging. He was on his small dirtbike and flying low before my feet hit the asphalt. The lock on the side door cannot be openind from the outside now and I told all the apprentices and neighbors about it before heading for the airport.

I share all this because my sleep in the van last night was a trifle fitful. The price of vigilance, I suppose. Alas.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 3/14/2007 09:02:00 AM



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