

brandon williamscraig  

This is not literal. Repeat. Not literal.

I was listening to one of the folks going to Nexus For Change during our phone conference this evening bringing together the Logistics Team. She suggested, as many in our field (Process Arts) have, that we are in a crisis of story as the old models fall apart. I heard her a bit differently than she probably meant.

I didn't read enough stories that really matter to Aidan. I often showed to and held unremarkable books for him and said words from them, but was waiting for the good stuff until he could somehow respond with desire for more, or some sign of understanding beyond wanting to turn pages and look at pictures during a very brief attention span. I feel like I failed in Shaherazad's task and, in telling stories to King Shahryar bored him somehow and lost what is most precious. I want to tell everyone stories when I see them now in which the fascinating ending is topped by the sunrise at the point of implying an even grander tale to come. We can build community that is fascinating and full of gifts for everyone, but wait there's more...

I hereby ask for something specific. Please respond to the ideas in the ABC member site. There is a ton of great stuff there. Reply to something on my blog. Don't worry about whether it fits or is appropriate. Free associate if you like. I'm simply noticing an empty and cavernous feel there as I write because I can only feel your presence through your words.

Oh, and, if you like, come to Epworth UMC on the last Sunday of this month (March 2007) at 11:30am to take part in words and demonstration of "Christianity as a Martial Art". I'll be talking and falling down, and so will several other folks in martial costume. If you are interested in social justice, like Aikido, and/or take culture change seriously this is the demonstration for you.
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/07/2007 10:38:00 PM



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