

brandon williamscraig  

Today (yesterday, now) began a bit rough. Roughly. Sorry. Adverbial disfunction, too.
Our (ABC) member site is down (blank, white screen - or extensive error list) despite reassurances from our hosting provider that all is well. This means no access to all the material I've been asking you, and people like you to contribute. Sorry about that. I'm working on finding somebody who can help without charging four times our annual budget. Know anybody who works with MySQL databases, Drupal, and CivicSpace? I need 'em.

In the end, however, the beautiful day won, helped by our (Rosa from New York, Leon from Berkeley, and yours truly) weekly Process Arts Develpment hour and by my getting a ton of stuff done, despite my grogginess from staying up way too late last night preparing for massive influx of unavoidable urgencies steaming down the tracks in my direction.

Today I registered for an Aikido seminar that is required for me to progress to 4th degree black belt, added our new loan for Serenity (the Van) to our WaMu autopay, contacted the SUDC (Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood) project and got us in the proverbial loop, paid San Leandro Hospital the remainder of what we owe them, same with the ambulance company, and ignored Phoenix Physicians, for the time being, because Kaiser will only pay part and tells us the charges are illegitimately high.
Hard to decide how to feel about all this. Money out. Checkmarks on the To-Do list.
Looking forward to going to Nexus For Change with Iris and John Abbe and doing stuff to prep for that.
Guess I'll go to bed. I don't feel as pathetic as this all sounds.
Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and everything will work?
You never know. It' s likely to be another beautiful day ...
and that's seldom shabby.


   | posted by Unknown @ 3/13/2007 01:38:00 AM



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