

brandon williamscraig  

[13:16] iwantacomputer: how's you?
[13:16] bdwilliamscraig:
The Beginning: hic et ubique (here and everywhere)
The Middle: dread fardels
The End: the undiscovered country
[13:16] bdwilliamscraig: Obsessed with Hamlet, again, for the moment.
[13:16] iwantacomputer: ah

[13:16] bdwilliamscraig: You?
[13:16] iwantacomputer: not so obsessed.
[13:17] iwantacomputer: busy as all get out, but good.

[13:17] iwantacomputer: and what's a dread fardel anyway?
[13:19] bdwilliamscraig:
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, the pangs of despised love, the law's delay, the insolence of office and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin? Who would fardels (literal burdens, more or less) bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death, the undiscover'd country from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of?
[13:20] iwantacomputer: that Bill. He shure kood rite.
[13:21] bdwilliamscraig: Sayest thou so? Aye verily, and forsooth.
[13:22] bdwilliamscraig: Or (A merkin translation), Fuck Yeah!
[13:22] iwantacomputer: ah, those wacky Merkins
[13:23] bdwilliamscraig: Gets pretty hairy.

[13:23] bdwilliamscraig: How's married life treatin' ya?
[13:28] iwantacomputer: pretty darned good. Way too much going on these days, but overall, quite nice, thank you... And yourself? Where are you these days?

[13:30] bdwilliamscraig:
Short Answer: Fine (in the musical sense). Longer answer: struggling with living in a psyche and cosmos framed in terms of overwhelm and opacity.
[13:33] iwantacomputer: hrm... sometimes your phrasing is hard to parse, but I get the intent. Good to know that you are struggling. It's much better than the alternative.
[13:34] bdwilliamscraig: I wonder.
[13:34] iwantacomputer: better than not struggling? there's a vivacity in the struggle that seems important to me
[13:36] bdwilliamscraig: I guess, at the moment,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.
[13:37] bdwilliamscraig: it not so much "the dread of something after death", rather, the fairly certain conviction of there being no court of appeal, alternative, to ceasing, having to face (lying down if not face up) immense projects like dissertations and responding to global ecological meltdown, losing home, creating rehearsing and delivering my 4th dan demonstration, driving around for months with no certain income, needing to develop a next professional step that will result in our entire family income for the next year or two, recovering our domain names (abcglobal.net, processarts.org, etc.) lost to the Registerfly fraud, etc....
[13:43] bdwilliamscraig: I find myself wishing for a ghost to return and swear me unto vengeance, or pinochle, or a hermit's life, or something else straighforward.

[13:43] iwantacomputer: I didn't hear about the Registry Fraud thing, that sucks. Money / income worries are always troublesome. That would make things easier, it's true.

[13:45] bdwilliamscraig: Ah, well. I'll probably copy this into a blog entry, ifn you don't mind.
[13:45] iwantacomputer: I don't.
[13:45] bdwilliamscraig: Sorry to be so freakin heavy.
[13:45] iwantacomputer: blogaway! or should I say Blogs Away!!!!
[13:46] bdwilliamscraig: Heave to 'er lee, prepare to cast the grapplers and fire the main blogs!!! AAAarrhhhrrrr!!!
[13:48] iwantacomputer: It's understandable, and I can't give you the time, here at work. My brain must needs be focused elsewhere.
[13:48] bdwilliamscraig: Focus 'em, if you got 'em! Some other time. perhaps.
[13:49] iwantacomputer: yes, I'll be busy at work for the next couple months, but pop up on the chat window now and then.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 4/09/2007 01:49:00 PM



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