

brandon williamscraig  

Did you ever have a week with so much in it...
that the extremities of feeling went so far as to blur the distinctions between the things you ordinarily would have either loved or detested,
that you found yourself eating somebody else's Vienna Sausages from an empty cupboard
and cleaning the wax out of your ear with a bobby pin you found on the floor behind the fridge
and being so far beyond that the resemblance between the two couldn't even put you off your feed?


Me neither.

At the same time we've: moved out of our home of eight years (with amazing help from Jerry and Charles and Ben and Justin and Iris and Leon) into four storage areas (thanks you John and Ingrid) and Serenity (our van) and begun living on four wheels, visited a friend in the hospital every day, painted the new sublet (Lisa doing the VAST majority of the work with the help of Richard and Jerry and Iris), closed out business with previous employers and clients all over the area, provided an intensive week of acting as Sensei and teaching every class while Kayla Sensei is away, met with Naomi Keepin who will be acting as out administrative assistant while we are gone, prepared every day and presented the local version of my Yondan demonstration (video of the dress rehearsal later), sorted all the books we'll have with us for me to be able to write, moved furniture in for the sublet of the sublet (still looking for somebody to live there in June), and a few other odds and ends.

Today we leave, after doing much of what remains on our list.


   | posted by Unknown @ 5/24/2007 06:47:00 AM



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