

brandon williamscraig  

Flight Plan (subject to change with or without notice) as of evening May 29th in Oxnard, CA) right on almost the cleanest beach we've ever seen). Note the Epworth TShirt. I miss home already.
  • Wed 30th driving to Prescott and crashing with Susan Adams (Director of The Leadership Center at Yavapai College of the Arizona Civic Leadership Initiative) that night.
  • Thu 31st all day is spent at the Grand Canyon
  • Fri morning June 1st driving south to Tucson (seeing cool stuff along the way) to spend time with Eric and Brian.
  • Staying there until leaving June 3rd, Sunday morning, headed for Roswell by Sunday night
  • Monday 4th we explore there and then Carlsbad. Tuesday the 5th we leave Carlsbad and arrive in Dallas in time for a big family dinner before the Keepins head north Wednesday morning early. In Dallas we'll stay a while as I write like mad again, see folks, train at North Texas Aikido, etc.
  • From there we'll go to Mason, San Antonio, and Austin at some point (for me to give an Aikido seminar) and return.
Travelogue to follow here.

Click here for our Flight Plan map thus far. If that doesn't work, try this http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&amp;amp;hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=113377647598955470334.00000112dba90a4fcf04a&ll=32.755879,-96.845537&spn=0.00102,0.002266&amp;amp;t=k&z=19&om=1

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   | posted by Unknown @ 5/29/2007 10:56:00 PM



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