

brandon williamscraig  

I've had 3-4 hours of sleep every night since May 8th and been working rather hard. Sacred Activism was much better than I expected and offered some seriously heavy hitting, social justice speakers from the spiritualigious and political world. I should, at least, stream Robert Kennedy Jr.'s speech. It was 90 minutes of non-stop political insider content - almost without a breath, and profoundly evidential in speaking to current national and international dilemmas. Also Paul Ray's work on the "cultural creatives" subculture in the U.S. was clear and powerful as always.

Anyway, I'm exhausted and just starting the Weill Nutrition and Health conference in San Diego.

And I'm wanting the integrative practice of blogging since there is so much simply happening at light speed without the opportunity for public reflection. Dilemmas galore.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 5/13/2007 12:11:00 PM



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