

brandon williamscraig  

Below is the podcast of my brief conversation with Bessel van der Kolk during the Imagination and Medicine conference, wherein he expresses his thoughts about the benefits of Aikido relative to processing and recovering from trauma. Also see my earlier blog post. I offered a class on the Sunday morning following our conversation and he returned to campus for the class, even though originally he had not intended to do so before catching his flight home. Several folks came, we stretched and moved together and learned beginning techniques. Afterward I played the Aikido of Berkeley video on YouTube and took questions. One woman had been away from training for some time and is now inspired to return. Bessel will be looking for a dojo in the Boston area.

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Here too is audio of Robert Kennedy Jr speaking at the Sacred Activism conference. If you'd like to purchase the recording (much better quality and you can pass it around to friends) please support Conference Recording Service by going to their website and paying for this (and SO many other examples of) excellent activism in progress. They (we) record for nothing but what we earn from on-site sales, and then give a healthy portion back to the folks doing the excellent work of spreading this word to do this work.

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We disbursed the funds very generously donated to Aidan's "Little Fire Fund" in two portions: half to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) project and half to the fund at Epworth UMC to refurbish the children's area. Funds donated to ABC in his name hereafter will support the trip as it applies to building support for the Guardians of Peace. Thank you so much for reading my messages and responding when we have asked for help. More importantly, please let the circuit complete when you have needs of some kind. Send an email or make a call and let me know what is needed (if that is clear - or not) so that word may go out and your situation may be known and responded to.

Things with which we need help/participation which are of immediate concern:
  • My Aikido demonstration in San Diego: rehearsals happen every class and the only local presentation is on this Wednesday night during the 6:30 and 8pm class.
  • The van still needs any of the following:
    • to connect our existing marine (deep cycle) battery to the alternator for charging and to act as starter back-up, and to connect it to whatever outlet or converter will allow it to produce grounded AC for appliances, or at least run DC lights and fans
    • repair the relay, the burning out of which prevents our turn signals from operating
    • door lock repair from when a guy tried to break in by coring the lock when I was sleeping inside
    • maybe front end alignment (not a big problem at the moment)
  • Beginning to paint (help?!) the new apartment on Monday morning and moving furniture in on Wednesday night or early Thursday.
Much gratitude, again, to Robin for finishing the inside building (cabinetry - beyond the bed Richard also helped build) with my limited help. Also, many thanks to Jerry and Charles for dog-sitting on Francisco while Lisa and I were working in Tulsa, recording the Sacred Activism conference (Caroline Myss, Robert Kennedy Jr. etc.). Lisa returned on Sunday, while I flew to San Diego to record a Nutrition and Health conference (Andrew Weil). I flew back on Wednesday and began teaching every class at Aikido of Berkeley for a week (while Kayla Sensei is away on the East Coast) in order to prepare for my yondan (4th degree black belt) demo.

A friend asked where I am in the dissertation process. This was my reply, more or less. I'm still in the "Bit by Bit" mode as we attempt to make the best use of our last week (until Fall) in the Bay Area. After my Aikido demonstration in San Diego on Memorial Day weekend Lisa and I will drive back up to Oxnard for a two-day dissertation writing intensive facilitated by a professional researcher and writer. I need an editable and more or less complete version of my first two chapters to go in to my committee for approval before I take any additional steps and before I may expect any more financial (loan) support. Thanks for asking!

Finding somebody to sublet our apartment is not going so well. The fellow coming from Paris to work at Cal on things economical was very eager, but ended up wanting to stay longer than we will be away and was unwilling to look for or accept help looking for other options for the last week of his visit. So, we're looking again to sublet our one bedroom and one bath, with a large third floor balcony with a beautiful view, one block from Milvia and University for a mere $800/mo.

Please leave comments about anything related to this post and tell your friends this is here.



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   | posted by Unknown @ 5/18/2007 11:40:00 AM



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