

brandon williamscraig  

Big D in June

I write, we train at North Texas Aikido, I write, we hang with family, I write, I walk the dog, I sleep...I write,

I walk with Francisco every evening, jo (staff) in hand to clear the spider webs everywhere, and became rather irritated by the quantity of mosquitoes showing an interest again in my person. Sensing the need, as instructed, for more yondan demonstrating, I decided to act. You try not to use your powers for the dark side but sometimes you just gotta demonstrate your rank and put somebody in their place kill a pest. Ah, power, it feels good to have to use tweezers to dig somebody's nose out of your aiki-stick.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah, I write. I wax ironically metaphorical. I write,...

We went to a Brave Combo concert at the Dallas Arboretum...
As usual, it ROCKED! PolkandRoll! I thrashed, we cumbia'd, waltzed, polka'd again and again with fans of all ages. Ya gotta love that band.
Carl Finch gave me permission to record and share these. Please reward this kind of generosity with attendance and CD purchases and the like. Tell them it matters.

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The first set was my mike and distorted a bit.

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The second was off the board and distorted more. I'll do better at Ashkenaz in Berkeley in August.

I write and go to free Tai Chi at the DMA, I write, we hang with friends, I write, ...

Chris and Tatiana Wicke came to the Lion's Club Fish Fry Fundraiser (say that 5 times fast - ok, now in Swahili). We played Frisbee with abandon (one of my other acquaintances from my time in the asylum), and went home to play Apples to Apples, a most excellent and highly recommended game. I've missed Chris since we were roommates. Now I'll miss Tatiana too. Dang it.

Lisa has begun taking dictation to help me out when only talking it through helps. You gotta know that takes serious patience and no little humor.

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Even so I can't seem to get this dissertation to any place near where it needs to be.
I write, I struggle to not be too depressed, I write, I fear failure, I write, ..

The rain is pouring down again and I should turn on some lights. I can't see, you see. It's dark.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 6/26/2007 11:37:00 AM



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