

brandon williamscraig  

Ideal Employment

Why not dream where other folks can see it? These vocational ideas are useful fictions that help me get at paths I imagine can lead to my best work.
  • Co-founder, Guardians of Peace Project, entering the public forum to raise funds and build the professional partnership of conflict facilitators who train, provide training for, and recruit those called to do conflict well as a vocation so the building of community results in a world that expects to serve everyone in it.
  • Vice President in charge of facilitating Community Building for a professional concern that imagines humans as more than Resources and has the visions and will to create time during (expected) and outside (voluntary) the work day for Healing Friction and Associative Inquiry such that the work-lives of said humans become less stressful and more productive.
  • Executive Assistant to You Know Who, that figure in peace activism, community organizing, conflict facilitation, public policy, etc. whose pleasure it is to train and mentor the next generation of leaders and mentors.
  • Associate Professor, Cultural and Conflict Studies, developing a Mythological Studies program for a forward looking higher educational institution. Imagine a school that wants what Joseph Campbell did for Sarah Lawrence under the rubric of Literature.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 6/23/2007 03:44:00 PM



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