

brandon williamscraig  

Oddly Enough - Healer's nude dance rite upsets some..

I don't have much to say. I just had to reproduce the above words in a compensatory move to balance my otherwise clothed and definitely not dancing occupation.

We went to the Dallas Arboretum with David (Dad) and Julie (step-mom) this morning. It was so much more beautiful than I remembered, from visiting some 15 years ago. It is a www (wealthy white women - long before the internet) project decades in the making and has become a true showplace, a museum (like the Federal Parks but moreso) for a Nature that never was and never will be again and is amazingly beautifully crafted. Sorry. The ecopsychology had to creep in. I'm reading David Kidner and I can't help it.

D&J took us to a tasty, Italian lunch place and I bought us desert at Wholefoods. Then back to their place to nosh it and drink their excellent decaf. Then home to do wash and write. Sometimes our family talks non-stop at a pace that uses all my resources, even as I participate in creating that pace. In the moment this makes it almost impossible to object in a thoughtful way when something is being said or created that doesn't feel good. I'm decompressing before writing by writing this. Blogging helps to make process-level comments (how something happened, rather than just what) to an imagined readership when I need to feel heard.

Big thanks, by the by, to Scott Mace from Epworth UMC for uploading digital copies of the Epworth services for me to download and hear. I miss Epworth.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 6/19/2007 02:40:00 PM



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