

brandon williamscraig  

cover letter

To whom it may concern:

I have a three-part request to make.

After working in academia and the private and intangible-profit sectors, I am finishing a Ph.D. dissertation on the psychology and mythology of culture. Please read this outline of my current readiness and hope for the future and then, if I have held your interest, read more of my qualifications.

After reading, if you know of employment related to my vocation I may provide in 20 hours each week while I continue my parallel work, please contact me with information. My time of building projects with little regard for my personal, long-term sustainability has passed. Any additional assistance you might provide in securing a good working relationship is more than appreciated. If you are able to connect me with funding sources for my existing work at this time or in the future, all the better. I ask for the gift of your support.

If you feel moved to connect for other less clear reasons I welcome the chance to meet with you for an exchange of listening.

Warm regards,

Brandon WilliamsCraig

My current capacity:
  • Undertaking executive responsibilities in professional support of a shared vision
  • Facilitating group processes designed and implemented to result in Peace: ongoing groups which discern and learn from mistakes, keep the needs of the greater community in focus, and make dynamic mission-moving decisions while improving the quality of life of everyone involved.
  • Working within an existing structure to improve the sense of connection and practice of communication between members, building the capacity of the whole to respond quickly, flexibly, and ethically to difficult situations.
My intentions for the future:
In 2008 I will serve an existing organization and finish my dissertation. Hopefully still in partnership with that group, I will then re-focus on building a coalition of individuals and organizations to create a partnership that builds cultures of Peace. This community will support all ages in learning and practicing the Process Arts such that peace is redefined as conflict done well. It will also participate in the arising, worldwide, communitarian ideology in which individual freedom for responsibility, nonviolence, and the hands-on love of all life are woven together.

I intend to do this by co-founding a community of professional conflict facilitators who will learn, demonstrate, teach, and offer public actions. This community will grow to include study in all levels of academic, public, and alternative endeavor, an academy of its own, a residential apprenticeship program, and offerings for the ethical deepening of business and the process of shaping public policy. At this point we may offer services to the international community.

From the beginning, the partnership will model the behavior it advocates. It will welcome "external" change requests and critique, remain faithful to an ongoing auto-critical process, and be transparent throughout, regularly changing, fostering, and sharing leadership and growing only to the point that a felt sense of quality of relatedness will allow.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 1/07/2000 05:58:00 PM



All original material here is Creative Commons License licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. All material not originated by the author is used in accordance with acceptable use practices governing public domain, academic study, and not-for-profit cultural development and critique. Any concerns about privacy or copyrights may be addressed by emails directed to public at bdwc dot net.

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